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What apps are listed here?

All apps that are built with Flutter.
Additionally, the app must have at least 100,000 downloads on the Google Play Store (10,000 for open-source apps).

How are apps added?

You can submit your app on GitHub by creating a pull request.
Besides that, uses automated tools to find new apps.

What kind of libraries are listed under each app?

The libraries are categorized into State Management, Persistence, and Networking.
These are the categories that have the most impact on the architecture of a Flutter app.

How are libraries detected?

Libraries are either manually added by users on GitHub or identified by automated tools.
Automated tools analyze the licenses included in the APK, which are usually added to comply with most popular open-source licenses, such as MIT, BSD, Apache, and GPL. However, false positives can occur when popular packages, such as "provider" or "shared_preferences", are included as transitive dependencies.